Monday, March 9, 2009

Track and Field meet

I am going to answer Madam Phua question that she posted on her blog.Why everytime i have to say this"i am going to answer Madam Phua question"I just wish that i can say something new.
1. Did you attend our School Sports Day? If so, how did you find it? If not, why did you not attend our school event?
Yes i did attend our school sports day.I find it very hot over there.It was like i was caught on fire.But i also like it because we get to play beach volleyball.
2. What do you think is the most interesting part of the School Sports? Why?
I find the beach volleyball the most interesting.It is very fun and we get to hit such i big ball but it is very dangerous too.My friend fall down the grand stand but she landed on her legs that why she was not injured.A lot of people were concentrating on the ball but not on thier steps and that make me very scared
3. What do you think is the most uninteresting part of the School Sports? Why?
I don't know because everything was interesting.
4. How can the school improve on the School Sports Day?
They can improve by bulding more shelter so that we won't be so hot under the sun.
5. Do you think engaging in sports is important and useful? If so, why? If not, why?
Yes because we can build up our body.
6. Do you engage in any sports? If so, what is it? If not, why have you not engage in it?
No becasue i am very fat.
7. How can sports help us?
It can help us by building up our body.
8. If your were the principal of the school, what would you do to encourage pupils to engage in sports?
I would let them have P.E everyday because it is healty

Add colours to your life!!
10:31 AM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The things that are important

On Wednesday afternoon 4th March at 5.00pm-7.00pm i went for my maths tuition.The tuition center was called MPM.As i have started on a new book which i have already finish the Primary 3 book.The Primary four book was quite easy to me.I was the only Primary four there which makes me the oldest.After finish my work and correction it was around 6.35pm.Well i was quite happy as i can do very fast and have less correction.I sit near the teacher and my friends, Geraldine and Kai En.They were playing in stead of doing their work.I felt quite bored and then Teacher Sandra let me have a book to read.The book was called the "The Giving Tree".After reading the story i learnt that the most important people aroung you are your parents.They can sacrifies their health and contiuned to work just for us to live.Not only our parents but our teacher too.They give us the knowlege to live and to know the things around us.Even though my grandparents are old they are still as strong as a bull to work.My grandfather works and my grandmother makes cookies when the New Year are ariung the corner.That why we can still live.Without them what can we still do?I think that we cannot even move one step.That why we must appration the things around us do not take them for grunted.I hope what i said you can listen and please respect the elderly!!!

Add colours to your life!!
10:09 AM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Music Playlist at

Add colours to your life!!
4:51 PM