Monday, February 23, 2009


Hi!! I am going to answer the question that Madam Phua has post it on her blog.
1)The school gets the pupils to read every morning because they want us to improve our English and can help us devolpe our brain.
2)Yes.It can let me read my favourite book and also it can let us know what is happening in the story.
3)I could say no and yes.My reason i say no is because i have some difficulty on how to read the words.My reason i say yes is because it can help us improve our English
4)I like to read diffrent kinds of books like Harry Potter,Rainbow Magic.....
5)I would say yes because when we are doing our English work,and there would be some question so that you can use the diffult words to described the word better.
6)They can arranged some reading programmed for us to join.
7)I like Harry Potter and the Chambers of secret.The character Ron was so funny that he broke his wand.The authors name is J.K Rowling.
This is the end now bye!!

Add colours to your life!!
10:23 AM

Monday, February 16, 2009

Activities outside school

Now i am going to answer the question that Madam Phua had post up on her blog.

1)I have tution on Monday,Wednesday and Thursday.
2)I spent three days on the tution.
3) I spent two hours on each of the tutions.
4)I was involed in tution because my mother believed that i can do better in my subjects and want me to be better than my brother.She said that i must go to Express when i am in Seconary school.
5)No, because it makes me very busy and tired and i have no time to do other homeworks that my parents give me.I have so many homework to do.
6)I would say yes because it makes me more tired and i can't concentrate on school.
7)Yes it makes me so angry because i am tired and my mother is blaming my brother because she said that i am becoming like him but it is not true.She said that i become lazyier.But i was not i was just tired.
8)Yes even though i say that i was stress but maybe to some of you is no.Okay to say the truth maybe i would say half.It does not matter about your parents it matters wheather you like it.

Add colours to your life!!
10:33 AM

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Chosen one!~.~

Yesterday,Madam Phua had something to tell us.We were very excited about what was going to come out of her mouth.We just waited and she say"4.4, i need a pupil who is honest,intelligent,sincere and has courage".Madam Phua said that she needs a pupil to help her to upload the homework on Madam Phua's blog.It means that whenever we have homework,the chosen one will have to write on the homework list and the username and the password will be given to the chosen one.To say the truth i actually wanted to raisse up my hand but then something came into my brain.It says"You can't be chosen because you can't use the computer everyday".Now then i remember so no choice can't raise up my hand.Almost all of us were rasing our hand,so guess whom were chosen.Samantha was chosen.I was so happy.I just can't believed that Samantha is the chosen one.She was chosen because she really has the school values and she always smile to people.She is just so cheerful and kind.I am really very lucky to have a friend like her.

P.S Next time when you see her, call her the "Chosen One".>.<

Add colours to your life!!
7:08 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009

Target setting-Dare to dream!Strive!

Hi, i am going o do some reflection on my target setting.

1.My purpose is by getting the target that we want to have for our test, a aim that we want.

2.Yes it is useful to me because it helps me to get the goal that i want to achieve in our test.

3.Maybe i can tell my parants to let me do some homework.

4.I have a plan in my mind.The plan is that i want to tell my mother to buy more storybooks for me so that i can improve my English and teach me how to do my homework.

5.My parents are now helping me by letin me use less time of computer, encouraging me to read more storybooks and newpapers.

6.Hmm........i think that i have to think about that.

7.The teacher can help us by giving us interesting things to do which can devolpe our mind.

Add colours to your life!!
10:27 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009


1)I was so absent-minded that i once poured ketchup on my shoelaces and tied knots in my spaghetti.

2)Another absent-minded professor said, "I have three pairs of glasses.One pair is for short sight , another for long sight, and the third to look for the other two".

3)An elderly couple had dinner at another couple"s house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen.
The two elderly gentlemen were talking, and one said, "Last night we went out to a new restaurant, and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly."
The other man said,"what is the name of the restaurant?"
The first man thought and thought and finally said, "What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love? You know... the one that is red and has thorns?"
Do you mean a rose?"
"Yes," The man said. He turned toward the kitchen and yelled,"Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went last night?"
4)Rob:Dad, which is easier, baseball or golf?
Father:Baseball of course!
Father:In golf, when you hit the ball, you have to go look for it. But in baseball when you hit the ball, someone chases it
5)Abel:It was crowded at the beach today.
Isaac:Did you manage to swim?
Abel:Just a little.The beach was so crowded i had to dive in five times before i got wet!
6)Peter:Are the girls in your town pretty?
Daniel:Well, let me put it this way; we held a beauty contest and nobody won.

Add colours to your life!!
7:25 PM

Monday, February 2, 2009

What will i defend?

Do you know how to defend Singapore?You can start by protecting the the things that are having harm.You can pick a topic that you like.I will pick my friends and my family.My friends and my family are like my gold!!!!But mostly my country is the important.Singapore is where we belong,this is where i grow up and the place where my parents live in.My friends are always there for me,caring for me and always playing with me.For my family,they are always encouraging me to do things that i like.My brother always tell me jokes and makes me laugh but sometime he bullys me but i don't mind.We like to use the computer and sharing the new things that we found on the internet like online games, downloaded games and websites that have funny things or picture in it.But the most important things is that we must stop littering so that we can have a clean and green Singapore to let other who has high standard to come and visit our country.That is why we must defend our country.

Add colours to your life!!
10:28 AM