Monday, April 28, 2008

HFMD(Hand,foot and mouth disease)

I hate Hand,foot and mouth disease very much because it will make us sick and we cant's go to schoool.Hand,foot and mouth disease are

  1. Sore throat
  2. High fever
  3. Running nose

These are part of Hand,foot and Mouth disease.If you have these kind of disease,please do not come to school because it can spread very qucikly .I advics you to stay at home and see a doctor.

Add colours to your life!!
9:48 AM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Book one-Mr.Detective gets into action

Early in the morning,Mr.Detective woke up with black eyes.He didn't sleep well yesterday because he was sick.He didn't see the doctor as tomorrow is the day when he has to solve a mystery in the foot of the tall hill.

Next morning,Mr.Detective got dress up on his action mystery coat.He went out of his house and he drive his car and up to the foot of the tall hill.He was listening to the radio at his car then big noise came from behind"BANG!"Mr Detective open the car door and looked behind and was shocked,the car that was behind him had crashed his car.Now in Mr Detective is that he can't go to the foot of the tall hill.

Poor Mr Detective,now his mind are all fill with how do go to the foot of the hill.Then an idea struck his head!He run home and then went into the basement and use the helicopter.It was so cool!!!!!Mr Detective even sream like a women because he was scared of heights.

When he reach the foot of the tall hill,he saw all the people leaving.So, when he land, he ask a man what is happening?The guy say"The man that was dead was not true at all, he just wanted money."When Mr Detective heard it he knew that his boss will be mad at him.He quickly rush to the so call fake dead man and wanted to kill him but to his disappointment a man had stop him from doing that.

When he return to the offices, he went to his boss offices and explain to him what had happen.His boss was very angry but he did not even make a loud sound on Mr Detective.He was very surprise that why didn't his boss lay a loud sound on him.So happily as a lark he went back to his offices and continued with his work.

Upon doing his work,he heard some of his college saying something.He followed them out of the offices and heard them say about the coolest DJ on town but saying one of them say that his was dead of the drug that a strange-looking guy gave him.Then something struck on Mr Detective head.Now was his turn solve some mystery.

The next morning,he received a call from his boss.His boss told him to go to singing street to look fro him.He knew that his boss was going to let him solve the mystery.When he reach the singing street,he was waiting for his boss.He felt thirsty and wanted to buy a drink.When the coffee that he bought was done, he saw a man wearing black coat and a black hat went into a corridor holding a black case.Mr Detective followed the man and then saw and other man also holding a black case.They were talking about something.When they open the cases,the case was filled with money and drugs.Then, the two man exchange the cases together.Mr Detective took some picture but the man spotted him toking picture of him.Luckily,Mr Detective mange to escape from the two man.

He was thinking that was it the man that make th DJ die or is it the drugs that the DJ had exchange.Then his boss came by looking st him.Whatever Mr Detective had seen or heard,he told it to his boss.Then the boss said that the one that was fake dead case, he will let him do it.Then his boss walk away and then turn his head and told him that he can take the drugs case.Mr Detective open his eyes big.Inside his heart was beating,he had to hander two cases.When he reach home,he laid on his bed and think."How am supposed to do two cases at a time"Mr Detective was worried.Then he suddenly close his eyes and felt asleep.

The next morning,Mr Detective went to his offices and do his work.After his work,he set off to the first case.He went back to the place where the fake dead man was .When he reach the place, he saw a man walking past!!!!!!!!!!!!.He followed him and then it was the man that fake dead.He ask him what is he doing here.The man said that he was finding something that belongs to him.

Instead,Mr Detective brought him back to his offices and question him about something.When he bring him back to the offices, he ask him the first question."What are you looking for?".The man said that he was looking for his watch .Then the second question"Why did play dead ate the foot of the tall hill?".The told Mr.Detective the whole story.He told him that he was force by the drug seller.If he don't play dead , the drug seller won't give him his drugs.

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10:57 PM

My Guzheng SYF

Today is my Guzheng SYF.I was very excited as there will be many people at the place and many students will see our dress.I thought that it would not be a busy day but to my surprised i was busy like a mad women.First we had to wait for the teacher outside the Library.I kept waiting and waiting..but end i decided to look for my teacher.Finally i found my teacher.Then i went to look for the others.When i found them i told them to followed the Library.Then we went in to the Library and put our thing in the innovation studio.Then we had to wait for the make up artist and the hairstylist to come.Then the make up artist and the hair stylist had came.But the teacher told us to go to the toilet and change our shirt before changing our skirt.After we change,we make our hair put the ribbon.Then after we done everything we went to eat.We had McDonald that our teacher had order for us.After we eat,we went to throw the paper.Then we went back to the Library and we went through.After that we get ready to move our guzheng.Then after we went to the place, we get down the bus and move our guzheng.Then we put somewhere and go inside a tunning room.After we come out from the tunning room we move our guzheng and move it to the stage.After we play,we went off the stage,we all calm down and it over.Then i went to eat something as soon as i bite one mouth i put it somewhere and went on inside to heard the result.We waited almost like two hours.Then finally the man came out and say the result.The man say the other school and we were the last.When he call our school name we hpld our hands so tightly ,then the man say "GOLD"we all scream like mad women then we went home happily.

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10:12 AM

Monday, April 14, 2008


Friendship means friends that are always with you and not betraying you.Your best friend would not betray you because you are her or his best friend.Having friends are not bad at all.Having friends can keep you company.Why did I say that?Friends really keep you company.They can even cheer you up when you are upset.If you have no friends,you can build your own friendship by introducing yourself to new classmates,then they will find that you can be their friend.Not just Singaporeans can be friends with Singaporeans only.Other people from other country also can be friends with Singaporeans.I also have a friend named Hana.She is a Malay.I do not think that having friends from other countrys are strange.They can teach us their lanuges too.I enjoy the International Friendship Day activities very much.I enjoy the Judo activities very much because it teach us how to defent ourself,but i did not been chooses.I hope that there will be a International Friendship Day next year.I hope that there will be a cake and a sweet shop as i love to eat them but i do not eat them so often.

Add colours to your life!!
9:54 AM

Saturday, April 12, 2008

International Friendship Day

The day had finally came.International Friendship Day.International Friendship Day is a important day to me because this tell me how do i respect my friends or best friends.On assembly,i saw three person holding five ropes outside the hall.I was very curious what are they going to do.After the teacher told us to keep our books.We were supposed to sing the National Anthem, say the Pledge and then sing the Anderson school song.But out of sudden we were supposed to say the Pledge then we will sing the Anderson school song.Then the teacher say that they will welcome different country and the the five ropes that were stick together with some strings.Now then i realized that we going to bring out our love for Singapore.I can do that!Representing the love for Singapore is easy for me because i always do that.The way is to sing the National Anthem,and then my love will come out for Singapore.After singing the National Anthem,we can go back to class to study.After studying,it was time for recess,we went to the Anderson Cafe to eat.After eating,We went to the hall.I was very curious because i saw some people wearing a white shirt and a strings with different colour on it and was wearing on it waist.Then a teacher walk in and show us the different types of country's sport.There were so many kind of sports that i could not remember them.I only remember the Judo sport.Then the teacher welcome the Judo student to come inside the hall.Now then i realized that they were going to teach us how to do Judo.The master will choses one of the register number and the one that he choose will be the one that will fight with the Judo student.Then after Judo work out,we went for our chinese class.I had enjoy the day that the teachers had made for us.

Add colours to your life!!
10:05 AM