Thursday, January 10, 2008

My First Week at School

At my first week of school was fun.I was announce to wait at the Parade Square.After reaching the Parade Square,i went to sit down.I also took out a storybook to read.After some time, it was time to keep my storybook and listen to our Principal,Mr Tan speak.After the speak,i was told to stand up to sing the National Anthem,the school song and said the pledge.After saying and singing,i was very thirsty,so i take out my water bottle to drink some water.Drinking some water made me felt better and strong.When we reach the class,i was surprised to see my primary two from teacher as my primary three from teacher,Madam Phua.When i sit down, Madam Phua went to the staffroom to take our timetable,after she came back,it was already nine o'clock.It was also time for recess Madam Phua took us to the canteen to eat.After recess,i went up to the hall.After waited for ten minutes,Madam Phua took me back to the class.we did many things at class.After some time,it was one o'clock.It was also time to go home.I pack my things and went outside to line up.Madam Phua brought me out of school and i went home.

Add colours to your life!!
8:33 PM